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Associazione Italiani nel Mondo Logo Biblioteca Storico Araldica Genealogica - Genealogia Stemma

Linea di oggetti con stemmaOggettistica Genealogia

A line of items with embossed coat of arms. In all times objects like signet rings, medals, visiting Card, Letter paper, Ex Libris, Table China sets, etc., have been rendered more personal by having one’s Coats of Arms embossed or engraved on them, thus giving them a particular distinction.
Even today this is quite possible, and you should not overlook this opportunity of securing for yourselves, at the same cost, instead of an item of common use, something particular that will enhance your personality and your tradition, bringing a touch of distinction in your social life and in busines.

Apply freely to us with no engagement from your part, for any projet or an estimate.
Our experience can assure you of a first class job from the heraldic and artistic point of good taste and distinction.