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Associazione Italiani nel Mondo Logo Biblioteca Storico Araldica Genealogica - Genealogia Stemma

Albo d'OroL'Albo D'Oro

The inscription in the “Albo d’Oro delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane”, a work that has now reached it’s XV th edition, is the logical completion of Historical and Genealogical research made on a Family.This work began in 1908 with a first Edition cared for by the Founder our Istitute.
Count Guelfo Guelfi Camajani, after several years of studies on the history of Italian Families the Author was convinced of the importance of handing down to the future generations the results of the studies that covered not only the “Noble” Families but also the “Notable” ones who have a tradition of their own conveied to us in ancient local records and which cannot be forgotten.In this manner is realized a real Italian Family Historical Record, by publishing the results of our research in a Work that is preserved in the main libraries of Italy and abroad, and that bring lustre and prestige to the Families who have had their names inscribed therein.